
Ready to start back dancing yet? Better be… we start THIS WEEK!


Classes start THIS week.. Are you Ready. We have listened and are now offering a revision Class on top. Check out new class times below.

6.15pm to 6.45 – Revision from Last Weeks Moves

7.00 – 7.45 Raw Beginners

7.45 – 8.05 social dancing

8.05 – 8.35 Transition – where we take you further with your dancing from beginners and introduce some simple moves to get you flowing.

8.35 – 9.00 social dancing

9.00 – 9.45 intermediate/advanced – This class is a faster pace and you must be proficient with all the basics of Lindy Hop & Charleston before attempting this class – We usually do a 4 x 4 Mini Pattern and progressively increase speed of music.  You dance at your own pace and sit down when you feel you have reached your limit for the night.

Great plans afoot for 2017 so we hope you can come and join our little growing community of fun through dance! xx Chrissy & Ray and The SWING On In Dance Team…


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